Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Based on trufax... kinda.

There it is again. A low whistling, almost like a howl. It comes with the wind, as if the wind was causing it. That's
what most people would think. Just the wind blowing across something. Like when you blow acress the top of a bottle.
But, you know better than most people. You know that this noise is too unatural to be created by the wind. It's eerie,
and sends a chill down your spine. You've lived your life to the fullest, but there's still more to come. You don't
want to die. But this noise is not a good sign. It means your time is almost up. It means they've found you. They've been roaming this earth for centuries now, waiting for someone to remember them. You see, they operate on memory. Memory, and as long as someone in the world remembers, they reamin here. Looking to add to their ranks. Their number has remained unchanged for decades now; no one has learnt of their existence. For only when you learn of them, do they become aware of you. Anytime after you become learn of them they will come for you. It could be weeks, months, or even years before they find you. But they will. Sometimes, it's almost instant. Even as you read this, they could be on their way. There are always signs. The eerie whistling, sudden winds, coldness, and most of all, paranoia. For these beings create paranoia. Paranoia is a sign of their presence.
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not there.

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